What do we look like?

Alien being steps out of their spaceship in the middle of Lochend Park and looks around. 

Up to their knees in mud and loch floodwater, they start to report on what they can see around them, speaking via a headset to their home planet. 

"(translated from alien language) Everything here is grey, brown and wet. There are tall plants hung with flapping black plastic - perhaps idols to this planet's gods? The few beings I can see are slouched and hunched, walking on two legs with their arms attached to smaller, four-legged beings by lengths of fabric. There is a body of water enclosed by cold, hard upright struts adorned with small, black plastic bags similar to the idols in the tall plants. There are strange, four-wheeled things half submerged in the water and wire struts similar to those around the water lying flat against woody undergrowth. There are small, brightly-coloured containers strewn around the muddy land and bobbing in the water. The whole place looks sad, uncared for, as though some huge disaster has struck and the inhabitants are still in shock - too numb to even see the damage, let alone make repairs. It is a miserable place, and I am coming straight home."


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